Get ready to hit your goals and feel amazing in your body!

I’m Jennifera Nutrition Coach, with a passion to help you become your happiest, healthiest self, and achieve the lasting results you have been searching for!

Individualized Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition Plans

We will work together to build your confidence and allow you to take control of your health. All plans are tailored to your nutritional needs based on your goals and expectations.

Weight Loss

While losing weight can be difficult, it doesn’t have to be impossible. There are plenty of different things that you can do to ensure that you are able to achieve your desired weight loss

Fitness Plans

Nutrition with personal training is perhaps the best way to get into shape. Balancing nutrition with physical fitness will help you improve life long habits.

Mental Peace

If your relationship to food and your body is filled with guilt and shame, you’ve come to the right place. Jennifer can create the mental peace needed to accomplish your healthy eating goals.


All meal plans are created to your specific needs but without strict rules and restrictions. We focus on solid habits, good nutrition, consistency, so that long term results are possible.

Virtual Appointments

Nutrition counseling available for those that would prefer to meet virtually from home or work. Topics can vary depending on your needs and requirements.

1:1 Coaching Program

My 1:1 coaching offers education, accountability, and a customized program just for you! Together, we will build a road map to your goals, and put you back in control of your health and fitness.

My Philosophy 

My philosophy is based on the concept of food as fuel: eating mindful portions of a well-balanced diet that provides the body with what it needs to function optimally. Allow me to show you how to discover your best self while enjoying the process.


I will teach you to have compassion for yourself and help you value every facet of your well-being. Understanding that you are worthy will motivate you to invest in your long-term health, and trust me, you are worthy.

Individualized Treatement

Proper nutrition is not about counting calories. It’s about making valuable health decisions that are realistic and achievable for your lifestyle with foods that help you stay healthy and happy.

High Quality Care

You deserve the highest quality of care that is centered around you and your personal needs. I will fine-tune your care and be there while you journey towards the life you dream of leading.

Take back control of your health & fitness

Get the one on one coaching you need, to conquer your goals and have the confidence to maintain them for life!
